ENVIRO AgScience, Inc.


A Way To Grow and Compete


That old adage rings true in business: sometimes, two heads are better than one.

As we grow ENVIRO Agscience into one of the premier construction and landscape firms in the country, we’ve learned that partnering with other companies helps advance our growth strategy tremendously. Joint Ventures (JV) and/or Teaming Agreements– with similar sized firms or larger ones – maximize the best that each company has to offer and increase the benefit for the client. It’s a win-win-win for all companies involved.

ENVIRO uses partners to strengthen long-term relationships and to collaborate on short-term projects.  Partnering helps us grow our business, increase productivity and generate profit.  They also help us gain entry into new markets, increase capacity, share financial risks, provide access to greater resources; including specialized staff, technology and project financing/bonding capacity. We have used joint venture, teaming agreement and strategic partnerships on most construction jobs over $10MM and currently partner with three JVs.

When ENVIRO was in the SBA 8(a) program, we found joint ventures to be a good tool for learning the processes, procedures and policies that help fuel the growth of our organization. These teaching opportunities provided us with significant on-the-job training and priceless preparation for future expansion.

As with any relationship, finding a good partner is critical. ENVIRO uses a team approach to identify opportunities and partners. Our marketing director, Ly Eldridge, researches opportunities that fit our corporate profile, and she never seems to sleep. Lonnie Leslie, our business development director, networks at events across the country to connect with corporations that may have an interest in working with us. Director of construction, LeRoy Courseault, recently joined our effort to ensure that opportunities are an ideal fit. Our team weighs the risks and benefits of each opportunity before presenting them to leadership. Thank goodness for a team that makes decision-making a lot easier.

A good opportunity begins with a good partner, and it’s best to pick a partner you can trust. Your ideal partner should share similar business philosophies and corporate cultures. You’ll work closely together, so like-mindedness helps to minimize conflict. Communication is key. Meet regularly and remain transparent with open, honest discussion about the direction you want to take.

(Remember that sometimes even a successful company on paper just won’t be a good fit for your company’s goals and objectives. Don’t force it.)

Once you’ve identified your ideal partner and established open lines of communication, you should reap the rewards of a solid business relationship. The opportunities can be endless, so make the most of them.

Learn | Lead | Succeed

Leave an Inheritance to Your Children


I don’t know what’s harder: raising children or building a business. But after doing both for several decades, I can say that, without a doubt, it’s more important to raise children. Nothing gives you more pride than watching your children develop into thriving adults. It’s our charge from God, and it’s one that my wife and I took very seriously.

God also instructs a good man to leave an inheritance to his children, and what better inheritance than to leave them than the business I started 30 years ago. So, when it looked like my time to step aside, step down or just step away was approaching, I prayed long and hard about how to pass the torch. My three children had all become accomplished in their own respective career paths, so I first had to transition them into the business. Then, I had to figure out how to transition the business to them.

As always, God sent me clear guidance and direction from a number of advisers and consultants including the Atlanta Minority Business Development Agency (MBDA) Business Center.   My family and I began working with them about three years ago and learned right away that succession planning is not just about letting someone –even with your last name – step into your role. It’s about relinquishing the reins to the right person and making a smooth transition of power that doesn’t interrupt or disrupt the success you’ve created.  Sure, I’ve given my children many presents throughout their lives, but this was different. It wasn’t about wrapping up the business in a pretty package or putting a big C-suite key in a box. This was about preparing them, and myself, to pass down a legacy.

We all worked with the consultants to develop an action plan that would minimize the pitfalls that other businesses face when they fail to plan. We identified and talked about our strengths, challenges and vision for the future of the company. Coming in agreement, we found the right mix of skills, talent and aspirations to carry my vision forward and ensure success for those we work with and employ.

At the same time, I learned to step out of their way and not dictate to them how to lead. They each bring something unique to the business, and it’s my duty as the retiring CEO and their father, to help them develop their own leadership style. And that’s exactly what they’re doing.

While new leadership brings change, I am proud that my children have kept and embraced the Biblical guiding principal that I used — Proverbs 16:3.   ENVIRO AgScience, Inc. continues to contribute time and resources to pay our civic rent in the communities where we do business.   I’m proud of the adults my children have become, and I’m growing increasingly proud of who they are becoming as the new leaders of ENVIRO. I thank God for providing me with capable, loving hands to pass the torch.

Dr. Lynn

Learn | Lead | Success

Don’t Ruin Thanksgiving Dinner

Adrienne Lynn Sienkowski

“Don’t ruin Thanksgiving dinner.” That’s the Lynn family mandate passed down from my grandmother.

This simple directive reminds us that working with and for family is not just business; it’s personal.  We’re family first, with other families depending on our business decisions every day. And that’s a responsibility we take seriously.

With that charge in mind, I didn’t step lightly into the family business. My 15 years in corporate America, working for major brands such as Sonoco and Campbell’s equipped me with transferrable skills and tools needed to run a business. Yet, my opportunities were limited.  Launching new products, rising through the ranks and working with some talented and amazing people was great, but my impact was limited. Ultimately, my tombstone would not read: “Adrienne was the best engineer we’ve ever had, thanks for this product launch!”  But the family business offered me leadership on a broader scope: touching more areas of strategy, contracts, IT, finance, etc. But most importantly, it offered endless opportunities to leave a legacy.

So, when relocating closer to home became an option, I not only moved geographically, I moved professionally. I carefully strategized with my family as making this transition would prove challenging for everyone involved. Succession planning for family business is critical, and there’s no road map on HOW to do it. It’s a deliberate, proactive and continuous process. We’ve worked hard on the succession plan going from a tricycle to a bike, and eventually to a car.

Along the way I’ve discovered that while corporate may shut down for the day, entrepreneurship remains open 24/7. I find myself thinking about ENVIRO almost all day every day. I’ve also learned that all of my corporate skills did not transfer directly to my new career with ENVIRO. The business models are different, and the people are different, so it wasn’t an apples-to-apples switch.  But, I’ve been able to use my experience to balance with the family business model.

I’ve also acknowledged that there’s only one Dr. Lynn, so I was not trying to replace him or fill his shoes. Krystal, Bryan and I have our unique personalities and talents that we bring to ENVIRO, and we’re building a team that believes in the company’s vision and future. Dr. Lynn provides us with his rich history, advice and knowledge, and we work together to continue growing the company. Like any business, ENVIRO has its ups, downs and challenges; but our goal is to build upon the amazing foundation my father has established.

Working with family in this capacity is truly a blessing.


Readying Tomorrow’s Workforce Today


Some students may think construction and landscaping is just about buildings and grass, but at ENVIRO AgScience, Inc., we know that it’s so much more. It involves math, language, science and technical skills.

That’s why we are partnering with high schools in Richland School District Two in Columbia, SC to provide workforce development job shadowing opportunities to students taking horticulture courses. The critical on-the-job training and mentoring brings real-world application to the curriculum students learn in the classroom.

In April, for instance, we hosted two high school students at our Kelly Mill Park Improvements project meeting to discuss adding a parking lot and soccer field to an existing baseball complex. During the meeting, the students reviewed previous meeting minutes and construction blueprints, and they walked the site to gain an understanding of the full scope of the project.

Such practical, hands-on experience expands job readiness of students in the predominantly minority school district. Not only are they developing time management skills, increased confidence and a greater sense of responsibility, they are gaining soft skills that will make them more employable in the labor force.

We’re also helping to train these young minds to think like entrepreneurs so they can become employers in the labor force. Let’s face it: in the digital era, you can’t separate millennials from their gadgets, but we’re hoping they can one day merge their digital learning with experiences from ENVIRO to create new possibilities in the construction and landscaping community.

Beginning in Fall 2015, students will participate in planting and related grounds maintenance which can be applied as work credit towards their high school certification.

Recently, we’ve expanded the program in association with CCEB Venue Partners to skilled tradespersons who receive internships with subcontractors in the Greater Columbia area. All workforce candidates receive a work skill aptitude assessment and complete a month-long training program with an emphasis on soft-skills training, to include punctuality and workforce etiquettes. The goal is to equip them for construction jobs with the Spirit Communications Multi-Use Venue in Columbia.

Thanks to the vision and commitment of ENVIRO leadership, our workforce development program has been so successful that several graduates have been hired for dorm renovation projects at the University of South Carolina Historic Horseshoe. We were also recognized by Richland School District Two Institute of Innovation (R2i2) Executive Committee for our commitment to workforce development initiatives.

We plan to implement our model in future projects throughout the region as part government and non-profit organizations workforce initiatives.

We use Workforce Development initiatives as just one of the ways ENVIRO “pays its civic rent” to the community.

Pictured is ENVIRO Landscape Architect, Patrick Livingston and Greg Gable and Joseph Byrd of Blythewood High School

4 Tips to Break the Imposter Syndrome

Dr. Krystal Conner

They say that leaders aren’t born; they’re made.

Well, as the new CEO of ENVIRO AgScience, I have yet to determine whether I was born for this position or if taking the reins of this company will make me the leader I need to become. Maybe it’s a little of both.

But what I do know is that stepping into an executive role is not for the faint at heart. It first requires you to overcome the fear of simply being in charge, as nothing is more challenging than overcoming your own doubts and fears.

This “imposter syndrome,” which I liken to “The Great Oz,” is a fear that the curtain will be pulled back and behind that big, booming voice lies little ol’ me cowering in a corner. Like other leaders – new and old – I work to find the balance between buying into my own hype and facing my own reality. So, here’s what I’ve learned thus far:

Find your source. Every leader needs to find her (or his) inner strength, and mine comes from God. I continually work to overcome my fears by tapping into my faith, knowing that God has put me in this position for a reason, and it’s surely not to fail. He is well aware of my abilities and my shortcomings, and He will fill in the gaps. This much I know for sure.

Build a network. An executive title might imply that you should know everything, but you simply cannot.  You need to build a knowledgebase — a solid team of individuals who support your areas of weakness. Identify male and female mentors to act as sounding boards for questions you have or unfamiliar situations you face. Start with your predecessor and more experienced executives in your organization or industry.  And don’t forget the importance of encouragement. Surround yourself with like-minded friends and associates who motivate, inspire and care enough to offer advice (solicited and unsolicited).

Be authentic. As you gain knowledge in your new position, there will be times when you might not have an answer. Own it! Know what you know and what you don’t know, and be sincere about it and not overly apologetic. Chances are that if you don’t have a clue, someone you know does. Being genuine is more endearing to potential partners and customers than faking it.

Don’t fear failure. This new opportunity will stretch you out of your comfort zone, and you’re going to do some things right and some wrong. That’s ok. It’s all in preparation. Keep growing and keep learning. Read, study and don’t be afraid to ask for help. Don’t be afraid to fail, knowing that you learn from your failures.

Learn | Lead | Succeed

ENVIRO Turns Over New Enoree Ranger Station For The USDA

(Whitmire, SC)— ENVIRO AgScience, Inc. (ENVIRO) joined the United States Department of Agriculture’s Forest Agency and local elected officials for an open house at Enoree Ranger Station on Saturday, May 2, 2015.

The open house was a public event and ENVIRO turned over the building to the Enoree Ranger District officials. The Enoree Ranger Station is located in the Sumter National Forest in Whitmire, South Carolina. The construction project of the Enoree administrative facility, known as Indian Creek Office, consisted of renovating and expanding the facility into a 7,500 square foot office building to accommodate full district staff. ENVIRO utilized several local trade contractors to complete work on the building.

Enoree Ranger Station is the second project that ENVIRO has built for the US Forest Service in South Carolina. In 2011, ENVIRO completed the Francis Marion Ranger Station in Huger, SC. That project received LEED® Silver Certification by the USGBC.  The Enoree Station is finalizing Green Globes® Certification.  Both buildings were completed under a competitive small business IDIQ in the US Small Business Administration 8(a) Business Development Program.


Ly Eldridge





ENVIRO AgScience, Inc. Executes Succession Plan

(Columbia, SC)– It’s a family affair for Dr. Louis B. Lynn, as the third-generation entrepreneur and founder of ENVIRO AgScience, Inc. transfers daily operations to the next generation as part of succession planning. The Minority Business Development Agency Business Center at Georgia Tech University has been working with ENVIRO and the Lynn Family since 2013 to develop and train for implementation of the succession plan.

The company president announced that he has assumed the role of chairman, leaving his children to manage daily operations and strategy of the family’s construction management and commercial landscape firm. Vice president Dr. Krystal Lynn Conner takes over as chief executive officer and vice president Adrienne Lynn Sienkowski becomes chief operating officer. Bryan Lynn has been named Facilities Manager.

Since launching the company in 1985, Lynn has fueled ENVIRO’s growth into a leading full-service construction company servicing private sector, government, education, and military clients. The 30-year-old business provides general contracting, construction management, architectural, and landscape services. Headquartered in Columbia, SC, ENVIRO also has an office in metro Atlanta.

“As we move into the transitional phase of our succession plan, I am so proud and excited about the opportunities that lie ahead for the company,” said Lynn.  “We are a multi-generational company that is poised for significant growth led by the next generation.”

Krystal Conner is developing international ventures in Africa that will expand the company’s reach from domestic partnerships to global relationships. As CEO, she will focus on directing the strategic vision and goals for continued long-term growth and international expansion. Prior to joining her father in business, Dr. Conner was Chief of Pharmacy at Grady Health System.

As COO, Adrienne Sienkowski is responsible for directing the strategic and operational goals, as well as marketing. She will be responsible for implementing policies and procedures in the areas of finance, project execution and general operations. She will be responsible for pre-construction activities to include, design services, estimating, scheduling, contract administration, vendor agreements, project closeouts and invoicing.   She joined the firm in 2011 after a management career with several packaging and products industry leaders.

Dr. Lynn’s only son, Bryan Lynn, takes over as facilities manager responsible for operations and maintenance of the corporate headquarters in Columbia, SC. He has more than eight years of landscaping experience supervising large grounds maintenance projects for the company. He joined the company in 2006.


Ly Eldridge
(678) 395-6034

ENVIRO AgScience Buildings Achieve LEED® Certifications

Two Camp LeJeune Centers Earn Gold and Platinum Designation

(Columbia, SC) — Every day is Earth Day at ENVIRO AgScience. The construction and landscape firm takes its commitment to environmental sustainability and design seriously all year long as evidenced by the two Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED®) certifications it earned.

ENVIRO’s French Creek Mess Hall at Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune, NC, earned a Platinum LEED® Platinum certification from the Green Building Certification Institute. The 678 person dining facility is the first Platinum certification at Marine Corps Base Camp LeJeune and one of only eight LEED® Platinum dining facilities nationwide. The project achieved all 10 points for the “Optimize Energy Performance” credit with a modeled energy savings of 54.6%, which exceeds the requirements of the Energy Policy Act of 2005 of 30 percent.

In 2012, ENVIRO earned a Gold LEED® certification for its MCIEAST Pre-Trial Detention Center, also on Camp LeJeune. The 75-bed pre-trial confinement project was built with an emphasis on reducing energy, water consumption and waste recycling during construction. The MCIEAST PreTrial Detention Center is also the military’s first LEED® Gold jail.

“We are proud to have worked with the Navy to develop strategies to incorporate energy and water consumption into a design that also met their security and impact resistance requirements,” said ENVIRO president, Dr. Louis Lynn.  “Our commitment to the environment is part of the civic rent we pay as good corporate citizens.”

LEED® is a green building certification program that recognizes best-in-class building strategies and practices. LEED® certified buildings save money and resources and have a positive impact on the health of occupants, while promoting renewable, clean energy. Additional information on LEED® can be found at http://www.usgbc.org/leed.